Break Down:
1. #437-A Power Beam- A straight pull can be made from any height from 6” to 7' above the floor
2. #649 Power unit- Can be positioned from 6” to 7' height on the beam. Does include Hyd. Pump and ram
3. #669 Automatic Chain Lock- Maintains the tension of the pull while the ram is being retracted. Eliminates releasing the applied pressure and rehooking for each bite of the ram.
4. #820 Hoist- For raising or lowering the power unit, to the exact position you require with ease.
5. #660 Compression Springs- Allows the unit to align itself with the damage before great pressure is applied. Springs help absorb the shock in case a clamp slips or a chain breaks.
6. #651 Collision Post Base- Includes telescopic legs, flip up casters, and shock absorbing springs.
7. #844 PL Push adaptor- For pushing
8. #652 Easy Roll Swivel Casters- (4) casters mounted in the base make it easy to move the unit around and to position. No jockeying back and forth.
9. #542 Two Alloy Chains- 8’ x 3/8” Heat treated quality alloy steel designed for body and frame repair.
10. #648 Sheave- To pull down.
11. #659 Telescoping Leg Extensions- Provides greater stability and reduces reaction movement if a chain breaks or a clamp slips.